a 200 word TTRPG by @tiiimezombie


Setup: Record the words SEA/FOOD per player. Min 2D6.

In this ritzy ocean-side restaurant, nouveau riche are treated to the freshest saltwater delights. Tonight, that's you!

Each player plays an edible aquatic being (eg. lobster, salmon, shrimp, etc), in kitchen aquariums.

Other fish are in varying states of preparation - rinsed, gutted, cleaned, smoked, boiled, braised, seasoned, and served. Navigate the kitchen to the ocean-side window, and fast!!

  1. In media res, the tallest player's fish has been taken to the appropriate work station.
  2. Each player - including them - should list how they stay alive and make progress outside.
  3. Anything revolving around being free, fresh, and feisty wages one letter from the word SEA. Anything involving subterfuge, subservience, and salivaciousness wages one letter from your word FOOD.
  4. Once announced, all roll 1 die (unless one plan is agreed particularly daring or fish-appropriate, adding another). Player(s) with the lowest total lose the letter they waged and are appropriately threatened. Everyone else makes progress.
  5. Those who lost announce the upcoming threats. Play repeats at 1.

Lose SEA and suffocate/become salvageable. Lose FOOD and become dinner. Dead fish players always announce an additional complexity at 4, above.

Originally posted to Tumblr.

© 2024. This work is openly licensed via CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.