
A Zombie from Plants vs Zombies
Zombie from Plants vs. Zombies
First appearance Super Mario Wiki (edits)
Latest appearance Neocities (edits)
Variant of Zombie

Tiiimezombie is like if you had a zombie but instead of going for brains, they sort of mope about not having enough time to do things. At a high level, he probably would have like Weeping-Angel-esque time vampirism, or possible time manipulation powers, but he's usually not feeling that important.



MySpace ended up being an opportunity to tip their toes into basic iframe embedding. They embedded a number of Nitrome and Miniclip games, but soon lost interest.


SmackJeeves was a smallish webcomic hosting service. Tiiimezombie had their own comic about shy guys, which is now rehosted here. They also helped do the webpage design for their younger sister and another random user who was making a Homestuck-like comic. To this day they're very proud of how they reworked the templates to allow the pinned 'author comment' to be the green text format Homestuck uses.

Days of time were spent reading a mix of sprite-rip comics and genuine handdrawn work. They would use the built in RSS feeds to keep tabs on comic updates, and it was a huge part of their routine checking all their comics. These days, they follow a lot fewer webcomic stories, but they are always willing to share recommendations.

The Super Mario Wiki

Tiiimezombie joined the SM wiki in 2010, under the name GeniusGuy445. They only editted a few actual content pages, but quickly grew obsessed with markdown as a web language. They most loved creating 'userboxes,' which were small rectangles containing an image on the left and some identifying caption on the right. The base ones were small, such as "This user's favorite game is Super Mario World" or "This user is an amateur programmer." Quickly, the stack grew as they made strings of joke boxes about everything they could think of tangentially related to the wiki or userboxes in general. At the time of writing, they're still midway trying to convert the tower to direct html to both preserve and add on more recent or relevant sentiments.


Naturally, Wikia renamed themselves to "Fandom," as if that would justify their popularity and ad usage.

Anyway, tiiimezombie discovered Wikia when a random Mario wiki user dropped a link to a game idea concepts wiki.

The Game Ideas Wiki

Tiiimezombie was actively part of the GIW for approximately 5 years. They contributed to 5 or so actual articles. As highlights, they had to appeal to the community managers of the parent company to be given authority on the wiki as 'bureaucrat' and 'administrator' - user rights manager and webmaster respectively. At the time, there were only two other users. One split off to make a crossover-OC series idea, which tiiimezombie helped make art for.

More importantly, he used his admin rights to completely redo the site navigation and theming to attract more users, as well as 10 or so separate major homepage revisions to help new users get started quickly. This is where he learned about favicons and SEO. It became evident he liked that work more than writing down game ideas, despite having an endless set to choose from. The list hasn't shorted, but tiiimezombie uses more asynchronous note taking systems (like Google Keep and Notion.so).

Other Wikia(s)

Tiiimezombie also fluttered around to other wikis, mostly focused on idea ones, hoping to merge less active ones under the same flagship to get a proper community going. However, it never took off.


In 2013, tiiimezombie joined Tumblr. This is their absolute favorite social media website, according to first hand accounts. They run a modest blog with no strong content consistency, and rarely make personal posts. Their most popular post is an edit of a Little Witch Acadamia screenshot, followed by a Slay the Princess weed meme.


This zombie joined Twitter under a different name. Their prof repeatedly told his class that game developers tend to use Twitter most for self-promotion and it's a way to network and show development progress. Eventually, tiiimezombie caved and made a personal account. It's mostly for re-X-ing art, but every once in a while, a watchful fan will catch a new fanart.


Tiiimezombie got into vtubers because of their sister. VividlyVivi was the first streamer they were exposed to. That said, early into the 2020 panini, tiiimezombie stumbled upon content by Nyanners, and quickly grew obssessed. They would watch her content after work religiously.

Oddly, it wasn't until they actively started watching VividlyVivi, NaiyoSpede, ImamuraCross, and Piffle that they truly came into their own as a member of a chat community. This is most evident within ImamuraCross's discord, the one place that a given twitch member could speak with tiiimezombie directly! He'll make jokes whenever possible in other Twitch chats, but it's harder to make an impact when the audience is too big.


Their only video that has a notable number of views is a YTP edit of a Hubba Bubba Glop commerical, one that, according to experts, is still quoted by tiiimezombie and their sister to this day.


Through no specific effort on their part, one of tiiimezombies Golf With Your Friends custom maps did get a fair amount of downloads and plays. Negative comments were considered "inspiring," says tiiimezombie, as such comments were "evidence that the map emotionally resonated with those players."



tiiimezombie: time-zom-bee (english) - a. A stylization of "time zombie" combining the name with the species' vernacular moan (i.e. braaainzombie for context). b. an internet user who created the concept

time zombie - a shambling undead craving an extension of time over sustanence. In mythology, a time zombie's bite would literally steal time from a victim. With the surplus, such zombies may choose to take multiple bites simulaneously, undo recent damage to themselves or store that potential for later. Victims often visibly age from a bite, leaving it a less than subtle injury. Whether a bite is fatal or zombifying seems up to the story. Many stories note a time zombie's interest in clocks/watches, though whether this is a substitute food or just a shiny distraction is debated.


GeniusGuy445: jean-yus-guy (english) - a. A username alluding to an original Super Mario themed species of Shy Guy.

Genius Guy - A reasonably smart Shy Guy that drives a small clown car, like Medi Guy, but one that shoots lasers.

GeniusGuy445 Disambiguation

The user Geniusguy445 was created from a love of Shy Guys and a belief you need numbers for a username to be unique.